What's not allowed in "Unlimited"?
Basically, sites whose essential purpose is to use disk or bandwidth.
When making a website, you should be thinking about "How can I make an interesting site for my visitors while minimizing my server storage, bandwidth, file system, memory, and cpu impact as much as possible?"
The result will be a better experience for your visitors, your web host, and yourself!
Here are some specific examples of things not allowed:
* Copyrighted content you are not the copyright holder of.
* File upload / sharing / archive / backup / mirroring / distribution sites.
* A site created primarily to drive traffic to another site.
* Making your account resources available (whether for free or pay) to the general public.
Hey, that doesn't sound very "Unlimited" to me!
Actually, for you, my dear Legitimate Website Owner, it is unlimited.
This whole page is just to announce to the <.1% of people who want to try and run free porn affiliate sites or anime video trading forums or host pirated rips of The Dark Knight on DreamHost that we're not having any.
But our pledge to you is to do our best to always keep your website, with the content you created, UP... no matter how many times you get slashdotted, dugg, or win the DHSOTM!
外链其实没有大问题,就是怕1.图片会失效 2.缩略图不好处理,到时页面弄很庞大,下载慢还吃RAM